Crop Soil & Pest Management


The Department of Crop, Soil and Pest Manaegement, formerly called the Department of Crop Production, was establish in 1982 in the Federal University of Technology, Akure, in response to the need for innovative davelopement,packaging and transmission of appropriate crop production technologies at the University level.

The Department has as its philosophy, the training of the required manpower i crop production technology and advancing its frontier through teaching, research and extension. The acadmic programme of the Department takes into consideration, the fundemental principles and practices of the diffrent areas of Crop rpoduction, including product harvesting, processing, preservation and consumption. By placing adequate emphasis on adaptable technologies in soil and crop management, crop improvement and protection,post-harvest operations and consumption, the Department abidges current inadequatcis of similar programmes existiing in conventiional universities. Further, the Department focuses attention on the establishment of sound technologies for sustainnable crop production, protection, management, processing, renewal and product management. Graduates from this Department can br gainfully employed in self sustaining enterprises such as small scale crop farms and crop processing factories. Also, the graduates can find sweetable employment in gorvernment establishments (ministries and parastatals) agro based company ( food and chemical), private farms and banks.


The objectives of the programmes are to:

(a) Train undergraduates broadly in the field of agricultural production with emphasis on crop production, soil management and pest management;

(b) Emphasize in the course of training, appriciation of the role of insect pests, diseases and weeds in crops production through diagnosis of pest attack and elaboration of preventive and curative measures;

(c) Train undergraduates in basic field experimentation techniques; and

(d) Prepare undergraduates for self-employment in general agriculture, particularly in the various sphere of crop producton, including soil and pest management.