Crop Soil & Pest Management

The department of Crop, Soil and Pest Management offers the following programmes at the undergraduate Levels

Undergraduate Courses

Click here to view the 100 - 500 level undergraduate courses without course synopsis.


Cell structure and organization. Functions of cellular organelles. Diversity, characteristics and classification of living things; general reproduction, interrelationship of organisms, heredity and evolution. Elements of ecology and type of habitat. Scope of biology, differences between plants and animals. Variation and life cycles of plant to include non-vascular plants like algae, fungi, bacteria, viruses, bryophytes and pteridophytes. Varieties and forms like cycles and functions of flowering plants.


A generalized survey of the animal kingdom based mainly on study of similarities and differences in external features; ecological adaptation of these forms. Structural, functional and evolutionary study of Protozoans, Coelentrates, Platyhelminths, Nematodes, Annelids, Athropods, Echinoderms and Molluscs. Evolutionary sequence in the form and functions of Protochordates and various classes of vertebrates. Introduction to ecology to include simple ecological facts in terrestrial and aquatic habitat and the relationships between an organism and its environment.


Atoms, molecules and chemical reactions. Chemical equation and stoichiometry. Atomic structure and periodicity. Modern electronic theory of atoms: radioactivity, chemical kinetics, and electrochemistry.


Historical survey of the development and importance of organic chemistry. Nomenclature and classes of organic compounds. Purification of organic compounds. Qualitative and quantitative organic chemistry, stereochemistry. Determination of structure of organic compounds. Electronic theory in organic chemistry. Saturated hydrocarbons, unsaturated hydrocarbons, periodic table and periodic properties. Valence forces. Structure of solids. The chemistry of selected metals and non metals. Qualitative analysis.


Space and time, frames of references, units and dimension, kinematics. Fundamental laws of mechanics, statics and dynamics, Galilean invariance. Universal gravitation. Work and energy. Rotational dynamics and angular momentum. Conservation laws.


Electrostatistics; conductors and currents; dielectrics; magnetic fields and induction; Maxwell’s equation; electromagnetic oscillations and waves; applications.


Molecular treatment of properties of matter, elasticity, Hooke’s law. Young’s shear and bulk moduli. Hydrostatics, pressure, bouyance, Archemede’s principles, hydrodynamics streamlines. Bernouli and continuity equations, turbulence, Reynold’s number, viscosity; laminar flow, Poiseville’s equation. Surface tension; adhesion, cohesion, capillarity drops and bubbes. Temperature; the zeroth law of thermodynamics; heat, gas laws of thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, applications.


This introductory course emphasizes quantitative measurements, the treatment of measurement errors and graphical analysis. A variety of experimental techniques will be employed. The experiments include studies of meters, the oscilloscope, mechanical systems, electrical and mechanical resonant systems, light, heat viscosity etc. covered in PHY 101, PHY 102 and PHY 103.


Elementary set theory, subsets, union, intersection, complement, Venn diagrams, Real numbers, integers, rational and irrational numbers, mathematical induction, real sequences and series, theory of quadratic equations, Binomial theorem, complex numbers, algebra of complex numbers, the Argand diagram. De Moivre’s theorem, nth roots of unit. Circular measure, trigonometric functions of angles of any magnitude, addition and factor formulae.


Function of a real variable, graphs, limits and idea of continuity. The derivative as limit of rate of change. Techniques of differentiation. Extreme curve sketching. Integration as an inverse of differentiation. Methods of integration, definite integral. Application to areas, volumes. Geometric representation of vectors in 1-3 dimensions, components, direction cosines.


Study aids, scientific word building, word group, listening and lecture comprehension, note taking and note making, reading purposes, aids, speed, comprehension; spelling and punctuation, aspects of grammar; preposition, tenses and the sentence.


Awareness raising, gathering/generating ideas/information for writing, structuring essay, writing a first draft, introduction and conclusion. Writing main sections, citations and bibliography, quotations and referencing. Answering exam questions.


Libraries and the organization of knowledge. Types of Libraries and the various forms of recorded knowledge. Organization and retrieval of knowledge catalogues. Information retrieval method and techniques. Use and evaluation of information sources and tools. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, serial publications, abstracts and indexes. Guide to the literature of specific subjects. Information gathering methods and project writing. Practical use of information sources and tools.


The nature and scope of Philosophy. Branches of Philosophy, Philosophy and Science. Deductive and Inductive reasoning. Symbolic logic, Truth Values tables, connectives, affirmation, negation, conjunctions, alternation, conditional and bi-conditional. Grouping and telescoping. Formal fallacies. Informal fallacies.


Instruments for engineering drawing and their uses. Drawing paper sizes, margins and title blocks. Lettering and types of lines. Geometrical construction: bisection of lines and angles and their applications. Polygon, tangency, locus of simple mechanism. Pictorial drawing; Isometric, oblique and perspectives. Orthographic projection. Dimensioning and development of simple shapes. Assembly drawing of simple components. Conventional representation of common engineering features. Freehand sketching.


Introduction to basic manufacturing processes. Organization of workshop. Workshop hazard and safety practices and codes. Properties of engineering materials. Bench-work and fitting. Introduction to turning exercises – straight and step turning chamfering, screw cutting. Milling and milling exercise. Drilling techniques and exercise. Sheet metal work. Welding and soldering technique with exercises. Properties of wood. Woodwork and joinery exercises. Workshop measurements. Refrigeration and air conditioning: Principle of operation, refrigerants and trouble shooting. Methods of leak detection, charging and discharging. Safety precautions. Automotive workshop practice. Principle of operation of the motor car, tuning carburetor, setting contact breaker gap, setting ignition timing. Engine routine maintenance procedure and engine service. Tyre types and care. Battery care, topping up and charging.

CSP 201 General Agriculture (THEORY) (1 UNIT)

Importance and scope of agriculture. Land and its uses with particular reference to agriculture. Introductory Crop Production. Agricultural ecology ofNigeria. Agronomy of some arable crops. Land preparation. Farm tools and machinery. Basic Farm Management Techniques. Fisheries and Wildlife Production.ForestProducts. General Introduction to Livestock Production and Health.

CSP 202 Basic Soil Science (2 Units)

Definition and functions of soil. Rocks and minerals, weathering. Soil forming factors. Soil composition, texture, structure, soil water, suction characteristic curve, moisture constants, water movement, hydraulic conductivity, infiltration. Soil air, aeration, temperature. Soil colloids. Alumino-silicates. Organic matter. Laboratory exercises.

CSP 204: Botany of Economic Crops (2 Units)

Plant structure and function including the cell, tissue and organs, the stem, roots, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds; photosynthesis and respiration, and translocation of materials. Plant growth and development. Plant classification. Agriculturally important plant families.

CSP 210 General Agriculture Practical (2 Units)

This will involve field planting. Each student will be allocated a field plot for the planting and management of an arable crop. Students will be exposed to practical work in animal production and health, fisheries and wildlife management, and crop and forestry nurseries.

CSP 301 Agronomy of Tuber and Fibre Crops (2 Units)

Prerequisite to CSP 304 & 503

Origin, distribution, taxonomy, botany, ecology and methods or cultivation, harvesting, processing and storage of major tuber and fibre crops of Nigeria – yams, cocoyams, cassava, potatoes, ginger, cotton, sisal, hibiscus, jute etc. Detailed study of the methods of pests and diseases and soil fertility management, processing, storage . marketing and use of the products of each crop.

CSP 304; Agronomy of Cereal And Legume Crops (2 Units)

Origin, distribution, taxonomy, botany, ecology and methods of cultivation of major cereal and legume crops of Nigeria (West Africa) – maize, rice, guinea corn, wheat, millet, cowpeas, groundnuts, the various beans, pegeon pea, (Cajanus cajan), Bambara nuts, soyabeans, and the legume covers. Detailed study of the methods of harvesting, processing, storage and the use of the products of each crop.

CSP 319: Weed Biology (2 Units)

The weed concept: importance of weeds, classification of weeds, survival and persistence characteristics: reproduction and seed features; weed succession inorganic, chemical and integrated agriculture; weed-crop associations; competition, allelopathy; importance of weed biology; biology and identification of major tropical weeds; preparation of weed and seed album; weed reproduction and growth studies.

CSP 306: Fundamentals of Horticulture (2 Units)

Principles, practices and techniques in tropical horticulture. Tools equipment and materials. Landscaping. Origin, distribution, taxonomy, botany, principles of cultivation, harvesting, processing, storage, marketing and use of major fruits leafy vegetables and ornamental plants of Nigeria.

CSP 321: Insect Morphology and Physiology (2 Units)

The arthropod plan, the external structure of insects: the integument, tagmosis – the head, thorax and abdomen, the internal structure of insects: consideration of the various body systems Insect nutrition and digestive system, Insect circulatory

system, Insect musculature, Insect sensory and nervous system. Insect growth, development, and other mechanisms of survival.

CSP 308: Insect and Vertebrate Pest Control (2 Units)

Insects classification – importance of classification; various insect orders - their principal features for identification and agricultural or medical significance. Insect population dynamics including factors regulating insect abundance. Insect behaviour. Insect communication.

CSP 309: Land/Soil Management (2 Units)

Need for soil conservation practices. Effects of deforestation, soil problems affecting crop production, methods of land clearing, effect of bush clearing. Tillage implements, soil tillage and tillage techniques; effects of tillage methods on soil and crop. Soil structure formation and improvement, structure deformation and measures to prevent it. Maintenance and improvement of soil fertility natural and artificial processes. Application of Global Positioning System (GPS) in topographical mapping. Field trip. Prerequisite to CSP 407 & 509.

CSP 310 Weed Management (2 units)

Principles of weed management; general methods of weed control including mechanical, cultural, biological, legislative and chemical. Classification and chemistry of herbicides, their residual effects on crop plants, soil flora and fauna. Methods of herbicide use and safety precautions, weed control in arable, vegetable le and plantation crops.

CSP 311 Introductory Plant Physiology (2 Units)

Pre-requisite to CSP 515.

Principal life processes of higher plants e.g. water relation, mineral absorption, translocation and utilization, photosynthesis and respiration. Agricultural and ecological significance of life processes.

CSP 317 Crop Mycology and Bacteriology (2 units)

Pre-requisite to CSP 403

Disease concept in plants. Importance of plant diseases in history. Symptoms, signs and other basic terminologies. The classes of fungi and their nomenclature. Classes of bacteria and their nomenclature. Features, isolation and identification of fungi and bacteria-causing diseases in plants., pathogenesis, procedures for plant disease diagnosis specifically those incited by fungi and bacteria.

CSP 314 Crop Nematology and virology (2 Units)

Importance of nematodes and virus as disease causing agents in plants. Features, isolation and identification of plant nematodes and viruses. Pathogenesis, procedures for plant disease diagnosis specifically those incited by nematodes and viruses. Plant virus replication and plant infection. Nematode developmental/life cycle and plant infection.

CSP 315 Vertebrate Pest Of Crops And Control (1 Unit)

Different animal pests of crops apart from microorganisms and arthropods. Birds, rodents and mammals and their damage and control. their damage and control

CSP 316 Crop Ecology (2 Units)

Basic factors in ecological classification. Major ecological zones inWest Africaand their agricultural activities, including ecological crop distribution. Ecological factors of Crop Production. Plant interference. Population growth and regulation; evolutionary strategies in plants. Community

composition and structure, dominance and diversity. Ecosystem functioning

CSP 318 Insect Taxonomy and Ecology (2 Units)

Insect classification – importance of classification; various insect orders – their principal features for identification and agricultural or medical significance. Insect population dynamics including factors regulating insect abundance. Insect population prediction and monitoring systems. Insect behaviour, Insect communication, Insect phylogeny and arthropod relations.

CSP 401 Crop Preservation, Processing and Storage (3 Units)

Meaning and importance of crop preservation, processing and storage. Factors causing crop deterioration in storage. Types of storage losses in crops. Traditional methods of storing crops. Modern improved methods of storing crops. Storage pathology and entomology

CSP 402, 404 and 406 Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (10 Units)

Students are to be posted to different farms or agro-allied industries for-on-the job experience. Students’ performances are to be monitored and graded by site supervisors (CSP 402) and School supervisor (CSP 404) following established guidelines. Students are to present seminars and comprehensive reports about work undertaken during the period which will be graded (CSP 406).

CSP 403: Plant Disease Control (2 units)

Pre-requisite to CSP 505

Principles of plant disease control; general methods of plant disease control, including mechanical, cultural, biological use of host-plant resistance, legislative and chemical. The set-up operation of plant quarantine as a method of global disease control strategy. Classification, chemistry and mode of action of fungicides. Formulation of fungicides.

CSP 405: Insect Pests of Crops and Control (2units)

Major reasons why insects becomes pest. Types of damage cause by insect to agricultural plants. Peststatus. The concept of economic injury level. General methods of insect pests control; including biological, legislative, cultural, physical and mechanical, use of host plant resistance, the use of plant botanicals and the use of chemical insecticides. Chemical insecticidal classification based on chemical composition of the insecticide and mode of action.

CSP 407: Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition (3 Units)

Nutrients and mineral nutrition of plants. Soil organic matter and functions. Essential plant nutrients-form, functions, chemistry, deficiency symptoms, sources. Fertilisers and fertilizer calculation. Characteristics of alumino-silicate clays and organic colloids. Cation and anion exchange. Soil pH. Active and reserve acidity. Liming. Practical (Soil Analysis)

CSP 409: Plant Genetics ( 3 Units)

Eukaryotic cells, structure and components. Mitosis and meiosis chromosome structure and variations in structure and number. Biochemical nature of genetic material. Genefunction and mutation. Basic concepts of Mendelian and polygenic inheritance Genetic interaction. Linkage and crossing over. Qualitative inheritance. Chimeras Polyploidy. Genetic

CSP 500: Student Seminar (2 Units)

Instructions on the preparation, presentation and discussion of critical reviews of topics important to agriculture. This is to be followed by students presentation of reviews prepared by them.

CSP 501: Land/Soil Water Management (3 Units)

Nature of soil water, potential capillary rise and infiltration, water movement in saturated and unsaturated soil. Forms of irrigation, assessment of water requirements for crops, time of irrigation and agronomic management of irrigated crops. Maintenance of irrigation equipment. Soil erosivity and erosion control. Soil drainage. Evaporation and control. Soil water-plant-atmosphere relationships.

CSP 502: Plant Improvement (3 Units)

Pre-requisite CSP 409

Centres of origin of major tropical crops; land races; introduction of plant breeding materials. Genepools (gemplasm pools): Sexual and asexual reproduction; inbreeding; cross-breeding; hybridization; back-crossing; Polyploidsation and aneuploid techniques induction of variability in plants: selection methods including progeny testing. Synthetic varieties.

CSP 503: Agronomy Of Tree Crops ( 3 Units)

Origin, distribution, botany, taxonomy, ecology and methods of cultivation of the major tropical tree and fruit crops – cocoa cola, coffee, latex producing plants, cashew, oil palm, coconut, mango, tea, citrus, pawpaw, pineapples. Their cultivation, processing, preservation, marketing and uses.

CSP 504: Seed Production Technology (3 Units)

A review of seed structure, formation and development. Seed availability, vigour, dormancy and deterioration. Technology for seed production, processing, drying treatment, packaging and

storage. Evaluation and seed quality, seed certification. Seed marketing. Seed legislation and law enforcement, seed programme inNigeria, Components of an effective seed industry.

CSP 505: Crop Protection Technology (3 Units)

Pre-requisite CSP 403

Crop pests and diseases: their principles and methods of control; selectivity and selective use of pesticides; pesticides toxicology; pesticides and application technologies – their efficacies; cost/benefit relationships in respect of small and large scale farms; impact of pesticides on components of the agro-ecosystem other than the target species. Integrated pest management.

CSP 506: Farming Systems (3 Units)

Tropical farming systems – mixed farming, shifting cultivation and fallowing, alley cropping, crop rotation, relay cropping, multiple cropping and intercropping. Livestock production in tropical farming systems. Potentials for integrated livestock and crop farming inNigeria. Alley cropping of fodder for livestock feeding. Ruminant animal production in permanent crop farming. Homestead gardening using crops comparable with livestock rearing.

CSP 509: Soil Survey And Classification ( 2 Units)

Factors of soil formation. Soil development. Terminologies – profile, paedon, horizon, soil unit, colour, consistency, structure etc. soil survey methods. Classification systems (local and universal). Land capacity classification and evaluation. Geographical information System (GIS). Soil mapping. Field and Laboratory exercises e.g. profile description.

CSP 511: Biotechnology In Crop/Pest Management (1 Units)

Introduction to Agricultural Biotechnology, Micro propagation. Production of pest resistant varieties. Improvement of crop yields; nitrogen fixation, nutritional quality and chemical composition. Mutation Biofertilizers, Molecular markers

CSP 514: Crop/Pest Management and the Environment (2 Units)

Crop production and protection activities that are beneficial to the environment. Crop production and protection activities that adversely affect the environment. Environmental quality indicators. Environment impact assessment. The baseline studies and its importance in decision making in agro-ecosystem. Pollution and detrimental effect of burning, flooding and deforestation in agricultural activities.

CSP 515: Plant Physiology (3 Units)

Crop growth and development. Environmental influences on crop growth, development and yield. Seed dormancy and germination. Crop growth indices and forms of crop growth analysis. Distribution and accumulation of dry matter. Transpiration, soil water uptake. Xylem transport/conduction and canopy water losses.

CSP 599 Final Year Student’s Project (6 Units)

Supervised study on an identified problem requiring both oral and written presentation. Students must attend tutorials on research techniques and scientific writing as well as oral presentation relating to students projects in the School.